About Bioelements
We are skin scientists - creating personalized, clinical formulas
for use in the spa, and at home.
Giving Back
Since 1991, we have been committed to giving back through
various charitable programs. Our current efforts and partnerships are below.
Sustainability Efforts
We’re on a mission to become more sustainable – to reduce our overall carbon footprint.
Sustainability Efforts
We’re on a mission to become more sustainable – sto reduce our overall carbon footprint.
Plastic Neutrality - Cleanhub
While Bioelements formulas are currently packaged in plastic (for multiple efficacy, safety,
fragility and shipping reasons) we understand its consequences, and we are taking action on plastic’s environmental impact. Working towards plastic neutrality, our goal is to help stop marine plastic pollution by increasing plastic recovery rates in critical regions. Working with Cleanhub, Bioelements is preventing environmental damage through plastic waste, by enabling systems that intercept plastic waste before it can enter our natural environments, and collect material that is already in the environment to prevent its entry into oceans. Through Cleanhub, Bioelements is working with Green Worms - a social enterprise from Kerala, India that was founded on three core principles: minimize waste generation, divert waste from landfills + oceans, and dignify people working with waste.
see details here
Look Good Feel Better
Look Good Feel Better is a non-medical public service program that teaches techniques to people with cancer to help them manage the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. The program helps people with cancer to find some normalcy in a life that is by no means normal, offering lessons on skin care, nail care, cosmetics, wigs and turbans, accessories and styling. Thousands of volunteer skin, hair and beauty professionals support Look Good Feel Better’s program, which is open to all women with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, or other forms of treatment.
One Tree Planted
Recent forest fires in North America (including near our own Colorado headquarters) have been extreme.Bioelements is planting trees for forest fire recovery in partnership with One Tree Planted. Reforestation is one of the best ways to restore a healthy environment after fires, as trees help stabilize climate by absorbing and sequestering carbon via photosynthesis. One mature tree can sequester up to 48 lbs of carbon per year!
Our most recent ‘one product sold, one tree planted’ campaign on bioelements.com was a huge success. With your help, we hit our goal to sequester more than 28,000 lbs of carbon for forest fire recovery.
In total – our ongoing partnership with one tree planted has created forests that will remove over 60,000 lbs of carbon dioxide each year. Thank you!
Corporate Waste +
Green Integration
We’re taking company-wide actions to minimize waste and energy use. This includes a reduction of printed paper materials to digital where applicable, shipping and container substitutions, and making environmentally preferable purchases – from the paper we use for our retail boxes, to the retail + merchandising support we offer to our spa business partners.
Vendors + Suppliers
We’re conducting eco-evaluations of all our partners in business – including ingredient suppliers, shipping + transport companies, and office supply vendors – to develop a set of clear expectations and ensure we’re working with mindful allies.